Some Stories of 3 needy girls…

Some Stories of 3 needy girls…

Thanks to the generous donations to the MOYO association, some needy girls were given a basis for an independent life, here are their stories Veronica Veronica got pregnant for lack of basic needs and we need to look for her to come and do the National Examination to enable her join secondary school or any vocational training centre in order for her to be self reliant. Veronica delivered a baby

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Online lecture “Give girls in Africa a chance”

Online lecture “Give girls in Africa a chance”

On June 15, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. the online lecture “Give girls in Africa a chance” took place. Despite the wonderful summer weather, the webinar was enjoyed by numerous participants, even beyond the Tyrolean borders. The initial problems with the live connection from Africa could be solved in the course of the lecture, our viewers received an authentic picture of the conditions and daily problems in Africa. MOYO thanks the

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MOYO at the flea market at the Cyta Shopping Center (30.05.2021)

MOYO at the flea market at the Cyta Shopping Center (30.05.2021)

During the winter the MOYO board team ransacked their attics and basements and diligently collected items for a flea market stand on May 30, 2021 at the Cyta Shopping Center. The sale proceeds will go again to our Africa project. Equipped with 2 thermos flasks of coffee and tea, the MOYO stand was set up at 5 a.m. and sales started successfully at 7 a.m. Everything was available from household

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Further activities on site

Further activities on site

Although COVID paralyzes the country, our local partner KIDEP continues to work tirelessly to give the girls in Kenya a future. Together with another Austrian sponsor “Be so free”, the sanitary situation in the primary schools in Sosio and Nakalira was improved. We remember the pictures from the status report in February: Thanks to generous donors, the latrines could be modernized (if you can even use this word in

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Many thanks to the donors

Many thanks to the donors

Last Saturday the general assembly of the association including the audit took place. The board team of MOYO – More Heart for Girls and Women of the World would like to take this opportunity to thank them again for the numerous donations, as well as to those people who volunteer in the background. Thanks to the monitarian support, some projects in the Bungoma district could be realized: Primary schools in

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MOYO at the flea market at the Cyta Shopping Center (18.10.2020)

MOYO at the flea market at the Cyta Shopping Center (18.10.2020)

During the summer the MOYO board team ransacked their attics and basements and diligently collected items for a flea market stand on October 18, 2020 at the Cyta Shopping Center. The sale proceeds will go to our Africa project. Equipped with 2 thermos flasks of coffee and tea, the MOYO stand was set up at 5 a.m. and sales started successfully at 7 a.m. Everything was available from household appliances,

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Finally a new school uniform (12.3.2020)

Finally a new school uniform (12.3.2020)

Sophie E. Kibuywa, director of our local partner Kimilili Integrated Development Education Program (KIDEP), visited the St. Mary Primary School in Sossio and the Primary School in Nakalira. In January we had the opportunity to personally meet the girls from the poorest families in these schools. When the students in tattered uniforms greeted us shyly, we realized that there was a need for action here. Details at The girls

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International Women’s Day (8.3.2020)

International Women’s Day (8.3.2020)

Due to today’s World Women’s Day, MOYO would like to draw attention again to the stigmatizing situation of girls in Africa during their menstrual period. Hygiene items are in short supply or not affordable. Female menstruation is still a taboo subject in Kenya and girls don’t have the money for sanitary napkins. Rags, cow dung, scraps of cloth, feathers and newspapers are used as a replacement for the napkins. Many

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Paper and pens make children’s eyes shine

Paper and pens make children’s eyes shine

Kenya’s schools lack the bare essentials. As soon as parents have scraped together the school fees for their school-age girls and patched up the school uniform (so that it lasts another year), the next problem is, where will the money for school materials such as books, pads and pens come from? MOYO is helping poor parents to ensure girls’ schooling and thus the chance for a self-determined future. Details at:

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MOYO on site in Africa (January 24-30, 2020)

MOYO on site in Africa (January 24-30, 2020)

On January 24th, Barbara Messner, the president of MOYO, started her trip to Africa. In her luggage were the collected donations of 2019, with which girls should be able to go to school and thus have a better future. Together with Sophie E. Kibuywa, director of the local partner Kimilili Integrated Development Education Program (KIDEP), 3 selected schools in the Bungoma district were visited. These were the St. Mary primary

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