MOYO at the Höttinger-Au neighbourhood festival

MOYO at the Höttinger-Au neighbourhood festival

On Saturday, 4 May 2024, the legendary district festival took place in the Höttinger-Au. People danced, sang, played, discovered and laughed together around Café Namsa. The festival was organised exclusively by residents, initiatives, institutions and associations from the district – true to the motto: COME TOGETHER, DISCOVER DIVERSITY AND CELEBRATE TOGETHER! In addition to music and dance, fun and games and the best culinary delights, the programme also included the

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Punch and Judy theatre for a good cause

Punch and Judy theatre for a good cause

A Punch and Judy show is one of the absolute highlights for the youngest among us. If the whole thing benefits a charitable cause, then parents and grandparents are also happy to be inspired. Thanks to the support of the HoLaRo Punch and Judy show, the Weer adult school and the Ko Ko We parents’ association, the MOYO association hosted an entertaining afternoon in the Weer parish hall on Friday,

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MOYO at the Easter Festival in the Botanical Garden in Innsbruck

MOYO at the Easter Festival in the Botanical Garden in Innsbruck

Despite adverse weather conditions, the Institute of Botany, the Botanical Garden and the Green School invited guests to the traditional Easter festival in the Botanical Garden in Innsbruck on Easter Monday. There is a lot to discover in the Botanical Garden! Young and old were able to explore the exciting world of native and exotic plants and animals at numerous hands-on stations, visit the historical observatory and experience much more.

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MOYO cooked at Dinnerclub Innsbruck

MOYO cooked at Dinnerclub Innsbruck

on Friday, April 22, 2022 the time had finally come! After being postponed 3 times due to Corona, the MOYO association’s African cooking evening took place on Friday in the dinner club in the Schutzengelkirche. Preparations and shopping started on Thursday afternoon, after all more than 60 people had registered for the evening. On Friday from 3 p.m. there was a lot of activity in the kitchen: onions and carrots

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Paper and pens make children’s eyes shine

Paper and pens make children’s eyes shine

Kenya’s schools lack the bare essentials. As soon as parents have scraped together the school fees for their school-age girls and patched up the school uniform (so that it lasts another year), the next problem is, where will the money for school materials such as books, pads and pens come from? MOYO is helping poor parents to ensure girls’ schooling and thus the chance for a self-determined future. Details at:

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MOYO on site in Africa (January 24-30, 2020)

MOYO on site in Africa (January 24-30, 2020)

On January 24th, Barbara Messner, the president of MOYO, started her trip to Africa. In her luggage were the collected donations of 2019, with which girls should be able to go to school and thus have a better future. Together with Sophie E. Kibuywa, director of the local partner Kimilili Integrated Development Education Program (KIDEP), 3 selected schools in the Bungoma district were visited. These were the St. Mary primary

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