MOYO-Hörsaalkino for a good cause

Yesterday, the documentary political thriller “Das Grüne Gold – in diesem Wald haben nur die Investoren das Sagen ’ was screened at the SoWi in lecture theatre 2.

There is a massive global rush for farmland – the new green gold. In Ethiopia, which is suffering from famine, the government is leasing millions of hectares of land to foreign investors in the hope of export revenues. The dream of prosperity has its dark side: massive forced evictions, a spiral of violence, environmental destruction and dark days for freedom of expression. This catastrophe is partly caused by billions of development funds from institutions such as the World Bank. The film is a documentary political thriller that takes us from the remotest corners of Ethiopia back to the global financial metropolises.

After the film screening and short statements by Assoc. Prof. Dr Andreas Exenberger (Institute for Economic Theory, Policy and History, University of Innsbruck) and Prof. Dr habil. Belachew Gebrewold, Management Centre Innsbruck, Ethiopian-Austrian political scientist, led to a stimulating discussion. The discussion centred on the roles of the World Bank and the governments of African countries that support these corrupt practices.

In the end, numerous voluntary donations were collected for our project on this evening.

Many thanks to all participants. Asante Sana! Special thanks go to our sponsor, the Province of Tyrol

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