Yvonne realises her dream and becomes a chef
Our local project partner specifically looks for girls who are unable to go to school due to their family’s financial situation or other circumstances. This is how Yvonne Nygongesa was found, who is one of many children of a day labourer family from the slums of Kitale. Depending on what job the parents have at the time, there is barely enough for a warm meal on the table. There are then no funds left for school fees so that the children can get a continuous education.
Our local partner found Yvonne and, with the help of donations from the MOYO organisation, provided the funding for the school, including learning materials, hygiene articles, uniforms and vocational training. Yvonne’s dream was to become a chef, but she had already given up hope that this would come true.

Thanks to the donation project, Yvonne learnt the profession of chef in a 3-year training course, which will enable her to support herself in the future, help her family financially and, thanks to her final certificate in food and beverage, possibly set up her own business in the future. She currently works in a large hotel in West Pokot. Yvonne also became a role model for other girls in her village and now acts as an ambassador, sending girls to our local partner’s workshops and giving them hope for a self-determined life.
Yvonne has been given a perspective for her future and is happy to talk about it:
Many thanks to all our supporters and the state of Tyrol!