Punch and Judy for a good cause

A performance by Punch and Judy is one of the absolute highlights for the youngest among us. And when the whole thing benefits a charitable cause, parents and grandparents are happy to join in the excitement.

Thanks to the support of the Punch and Judy show HoLaRo and the playrooms of the University of Innsbruck, the MOYO association invited children to an entertaining afternoon on Friday, 21 April 2023.

The anticipation of the two puppet actors Horst and Irene Laner was evident a few minutes before the start in the “backstage area”. It is a passion of both of them to captivate the children with the figure of Punch and Judy. The children also arrived right in the middle of the play and shouted in between, helping Kasperl and his friend Grete to reclaim the stolen fruit basket from the robbers and finally to bake an apple pie. The play ends in the spirit of the children and the audience – the good guys win and so they applaud enthusiastically.

The voluntary donations go to the MOYO association. It was also a personal concern of the puppeteers to support girls in Africa with their commitment. As a close family member works in an embassy in Central Africa, they have already experienced the needs of the global south first-hand and authentically.

Many thanks for the support to the Kaspertheater HoLaRo and the Family Service of the University of Innsbruck as well as all visitors and children.

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