Finally a new school uniform (12.3.2020)
Sophie E. Kibuywa, director of our local partner Kimilili Integrated Development Education Program (KIDEP), visited the St. Mary Primary School in Sossio and the Primary School in Nakalira.
In January we had the opportunity to personally meet the girls from the poorest families in these schools. When the students in tattered uniforms greeted us shyly, we realized that there was a need for action here. Details at
The girls in question were taken out of the classrooms by the school management and measurements were taken in turn. Soon these students can look forward to a brand new school uniform. Our local partner will sew the uniforms themselves, firstly to save money and secondly to counteract the overpriced uniforms from local Chinese shops.
You can find a few photos here:
MOYO would like to thank all donors who made this possible. Asante Sana!